Here are a couple of Flash Fiction pieces I wrote. They are old submissions to Mslexia magazine. I like Flash or Micro-fiction - telling a story in as few words as possible - because it's the perfect medium for capturing snapshots of daily life and twisting it into a story. For both of these pieces, the word limit was 150 words. These were some of the first pieces I wrote after a long break from writing, a break that spanned almost my entire teenagerhood. They're rough - really rough - but I feel attached to them, as they signal the start of me honing my talent for writing again (isn't it strange how growing up stagnates your imagination? I'm still working on reawakening mine) and pursuing the career I have always dreamed of.
Eyebrows - 118 words - early 2010
I sat next to him watching with disdain the soft white swell of flesh beneath his chin. "Save room for pudding, there's ice cream," said Adam's mum as she set down piles of cocktail sausages and cubes of cheese and pineapple on little sticks. But Jeremy didn't take any notice, piling chicken nugget after chicken nugget on his party-printed paper plate. I raised my eyebrows at him as high as they would go, staring at him meaningfully, emmitting waves of disapproval. Glutton, you fatty, I thought. How can you possibly finish thirteen chicken nuggets? Finishing the thirteenth nugget in one bite he turned to me and cocked an eyebrow. "Why are you making that funny face? Do you feel poorly?"
Alley Cats - 97 words - 2010
Recently the chickens have been stalked by a longhaired cat. The squawks alert me to each ambush and I dash out mid-cuppa brandishing sprays of hot tea. But the cat's appetite for feathery drumsticks seems insatiable. One day I am slow to run to the protection of my flock. I brace myself for the worst. Instead I find the cat cowering before the menacing figure of a broody hen. She is mercilessly plucking its fur for nest material. The cat, rapidly balding, looks relieved to see me. Beverage warfare offers better odds than food that fights back.
(C) stays with me, 2011
Any comments, tell me what you think, or share your own flash fiction!
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