Saturday, April 30, 2011

Flo's Own...Poetry: Portrait of the Escapologist, in Macroscopic Quantum State

This poem came to me as a combination of Francis Bacon's painting, and a scene from The Terminator 2 when the Terminator melts, and the drops of liquid start trembling, moving and reamalgamating.

This led to some research into superfluids, photoisomerisation and macroscopic quantum state. All very scientific and I don't understand any of it, but it says what I want it to - 'superfluid' is full of soft slippery sounds, and is perfect for the movement of drops of liquid that I wanted to convey.

First draft, took 30 mins to write after research.

Portrait of the Escapologist, in Macroscopic Quantum State

(After Francis Bacon's 'Seated Figure')

straightjacketed in skin (on a camel's back) i am an acrobat

hulahooping, melting, superfluiding

into the corner, and crawling up the wall...

(c) stays with me, 2011

1 comment:

  1. I just pressed the like button.

    And posted this on my Facebook page.
    Great piece.

    Regards j.
